
公司簡介 About us

      科瑪閥門集團有限公司是專業(yè)設(shè)計制造全焊接球閥、鍛鋼球閥、雙向壓蝶閥的企業(yè),并擅長承接各種非標(biāo)球閥。公司已通過了ISO9001質(zhì)量管理體系認證和特種設(shè)備許可TS認證,公司具有多年的生產(chǎn)制造經(jīng)驗,產(chǎn)品全面采用CAD計算機輔助設(shè)計,并嚴格執(zhí)行ISO9001質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進行組織生產(chǎn)、管理。公司同時積極引進國內(nèi)外先進技術(shù),不斷創(chuàng)新。 科瑪閥門始終致力依靠科技,不斷創(chuàng)新,嚴密的管理制度;建立了一套完整的管理體系,將產(chǎn)品設(shè)計、生產(chǎn)、銷售、服務(wù)等整體緊密地結(jié)合在一起,嚴格地保證了產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量。企業(yè)進入信息網(wǎng)絡(luò),爭創(chuàng)“一流品質(zhì)”是科瑪閥門的宗旨,深入開發(fā)新產(chǎn)品是我公司長遠目標(biāo)?片旈y門以優(yōu)質(zhì)的管理、先進的生產(chǎn)技術(shù)和優(yōu)良的服務(wù)給予品質(zhì)保證,以良好信譽回報廣大用戶對科瑪閥門的厚愛。 公司有著精良的機械設(shè)備,先進的生產(chǎn)工藝,完整的檢測設(shè)備,高素質(zhì)的員工隊伍和以求新務(wù)實、先進的質(zhì)量管理體系組織生產(chǎn)和銷售。產(chǎn)品已形成十多個系列,千余種規(guī)格,產(chǎn)品廣泛用于水、電、天然氣、化工、礦山、冶金、醫(yī)藥、城建等行業(yè)。 公司本著以”科技求發(fā)展,質(zhì)量創(chuàng)品牌”的方針,積極引進當(dāng)今國內(nèi)外高、新、尖技術(shù),運用國際先進管理方式,建立現(xiàn)代化的管理模式和多元化的生產(chǎn)格局。不斷適應(yīng)戰(zhàn)略和環(huán)境變化,不斷優(yōu)化組合,強化責(zé)任,動能演進創(chuàng)造先機。展望未來,我們將以更新,更高的產(chǎn)品開發(fā)制造和全面服務(wù)立足本土,并設(shè)全球營銷網(wǎng)絡(luò)體系,確保品牌向未來無限延伸,演繹“科瑪閥門”閥業(yè)新紀(jì)元。
China. KEMA Valve Co., Ltd. is a professional design and manufactured enterprise which mainly produce full welded ball valve, forged steel ball valve, two-way pressure butterfly valve of the enterprise, and also undertake various non-standard valve. We have already passed ISO9001 quality management system certificate and TS certificate for special equipment. We have many years of production experience from 1999, with CAD computer design for all products, and strictly enforce the ISO9001 quality standards in production and management. At the same time, we used actively advanced technology at home and abroad, and innovate constantly. We are always been committed to rely on science and technology, continuous innovation, strict management system; establish a complete management system, production design, production, sales and service as a whole closely together, strictly ensure the quality of the product. Entering the enterprise information network, striving for "first-class quality" is by the purpose of the valve, developing new products is our long-term goal. Better quality management, advanced production technology and excellent service to assure quality, we also try our best to return good reputation to all of users. We have sophisticated machinery and equipment, advanced production technology, completely testing equipment, high-experienced staff to get new pragmatic, advanced quality management system, organization, production and sales. We have formed more than 10 series products and more than 1000 specifications, which are widely used in water, electricity, natural gas, chemical, mining, metallurgy, medicine, urban construction and other industries. In line with "science and technology for development, quality brand" approach, we actively introduce the domestic and foreign high, new and advanced technology and advanced management mode, establish a modern management model and diversified production patterns. Constantly adapt to the changes in strategy and environment, constantly optimize the combination, strengthen the responsibility, kinetic energy evolution, create opportunities. In the future, we will update the higher product development manufacturing and comprehensive service based, and establish global marketing network system, to ensure the brand to the unlimited extension in the new era of KEMA valve.

      主要產(chǎn)品有球閥、蝶閥、止回閥。閥門壓力:1.0-32.0Mpa規(guī)格:球閥DN15-DN1600,蝶閥DN50-3500。閥門材質(zhì)有:鑄鐵、鋁合金、不銹鋼、鑄鋼、碳鋼、A105、304、304L、316、316L等特種材質(zhì)。驅(qū)動方式可采用手動、液動、電動、氣動、齒輪傳動等裝置。連接方式:法蘭、焊接、絲口、對夾。標(biāo)準(zhǔn):GB、HB 、JB國標(biāo)、API美標(biāo)、JIS日標(biāo)、DIN德標(biāo)。

Our main products are ball valve, butterfly valve, check valve, safety valve, diaphragm valve, pinch valve and so on. Valve pressure range from 1.0 to 32.0Mpa, valve specification: ball valve from DN15 to DN1600, butterfly valve from DN50 to 3500 and so on. Valve materials are cast iron, aluminum alloy, stainless steel, cast steel, carbon steel, A105, 304, 304L, 316, 316L and other special materials according to client’s requirements. Working mode can be as manual, hydraulic, electric, pneumatic, gear drive and other special devices according to client’s requirement. Connection way: flange, welding, wire opening and clamping etc. Valve standard: GB, HB, JB, API, JIS, American Standard GB standard, German standard DIN and so on.

Our products widely used in gas, chemical equipment, petrochemical equipment, oil equipment, papermaking equipment, mining equipment, power equipment, gas equipment, food equipment, pharmaceutical equipment, municipal water supply and drainage equipment, electrical and machinery and equipment industrial valves, urban construction valve, industrial pipeline valves, fire-proof parts, HVAC, central air conditioning, filtration equipment, environmental protection equipment etc.. In order to repay the better reputation of different users with our love, and uphold all users satisfied with the marketing concept, we will continue to adapt new design, new technology, and positively develop new products, reduce the cost, improve our valve quality. To provide better products and better service to our customers, and strive for the development of our different valve!

      科瑪閥門的宗旨,“以信”、“質(zhì)量”、“服務(wù)” 歡迎選購!
KEMA aims: solid reputation, best quality and complete services! Welcome to book our goods!

電話:0577-67319938       傳真:0577-67319938       手機: 13868601387 胡經(jīng)理(微信)
地址:溫州市永嘉縣甌北鎮(zhèn)安豐工業(yè)區(qū)科瑪工業(yè)園     E-mail:kmvalve@foxmail.com

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